Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Sunday, June 28, 2020
What's up everybody, welcome to my another blog. Lifespan of living things on Earth. Life on Earth is one of the biggest mystery. Where do we come from? How life came on Earth? These are the few question which is not answerable right now but may be later in the future. But for today we'll see Lifespan of living things on Earth for almost each creature, from less than a day to almost immortality.
There are few creatures on earth whose lifespan is less than a day, like we'll see in this blog. So let's get started.
Lifespan from 1 day to 1 month
Mayfly :- This Mayfly's lifespan is 24 hrs or less.
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Over 3,000 species of Mayfly are known all over the world. They have the shortest life span on Earth. Their only purpose in earth is to proceed the generation. They have only one day to fly, find a mate, breed and die. The cloud of breeding, dying mayflies is so dense that it can be picked up on weather radar. Mississippi fauna indulges in the yearly feast. The majority of mayflies will survive to breed, shedding their spawn into the river. next year the eggs will hatch for another day of breeding, feasting and death.
Male Mosquito :- 1 week.
There are about 3,000 different species of mosquitoes all around the world. All they need for survival is some water and a warm meal. No, not warm food we used to have. They only want what's pumping through your veins. But luckily male mosquito doesn't drink blood. Their mouth is made to extract food from flowers and dink water.
Female Mosquito :- 1 month.
Does drink blood. Only female drink blood, while male specimen food solely on nectar. Female mosquito's life is busy since their job is a lot harder. They need to find a source if blood meal to able to produce eggs. Once their eggs are ready, it's time to find a nice place withstanding water to release. Since they are in a race against the time, they look for a source of blood usually within 2-3 Kms of the breeding ground. They mostly use scent. More especially, they are sniffing for your body heat and the one thing every living breathing thing produces constantly
Lifespan from 1 year to 100 years
House Mouse :- 1 year.
House mouse are the most commonly encountered and economically important of the rodents. They seem nothing harmful for but they might pose significant health and property threats. They breed rapidly and can adapt rapidly in changing conditions. A female house mouse can give birth up to to a dozen babies every three weeks. Mouse prefers to eat cereal and seeds, but they also like to eat insects.
Cheetah, Dog, Cat, Lion :-
Cheetah - 12 years. The fastest living animal on earth. The top speed is about 120 Kmph.
Dog - 13 years. Believe it or not, all dogs need exercise to maintain good health like humans. Obesity is #1 problem among dogs. A dog can smell 100,000 times stronger than humans.
Cats - 16 years. Cats spend 70% of their life in sleeping. House cats shares 65.6% of their generic makeup with tigers.
Lion - 20 years. An adult male lion weigh around 190 Kg, female 130 Kg. Lions are the second largest big cat species in the world after Tiger.
Horse, Human, African Bush Elephant :-
Horse - 40 years. Horses can sleep while standing.They produces 3-10 gallons of saliva every day.
Human - 68 to 74 years (varies a lot). Longest human lifespan of human ever recorded is 122 years according to media.
African Bush Elephant - 70 years. Adult male weigh around 6,000 Kg, female 3,000 Kg. African Elephant is the world's largest land mammal.
Lifespan from 90 years to 200 years
Blue Whale - 90 years. Blue Whale is the largest animal on the planet, weigh around 200 tons which is equivalent to 33 elephants.
Nile Crocodile - 95 years. It is the largest crocodile native to fresh water habitats in Africa. Mass : 220-550 Kg in adult.
Tortoise - 125 years. They have both exoskeleton and endoskeleton. Mass - 45 Kg.
Galapagos Tortoise - 170 years. Weigh 417 Kg. Just 10 types of giant tortoises left in Galapagos.
Orange Roughly - 175 years. Also known as "slimeheads". They don't reproduce until they are at least 20 years old.
Greenland Shark - 270 years. Longest living vertebrate.
Close to immortality
Giant Tube Sponge - 2,000 years. Despite lack of any organs, they can feed and reproduce.
Coral Reef - 4,000 years. Great Barrier Reef is visible from space.
Turritopsis Dohrnii - FOREVER. Also known as immortal jellyfish.